Principal’s Message

Hasan Dagli

Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome back to another academic year, 2017 at Sirius College, Sunshine – Ibrahim Dellal Campus.

Exciting start

It was a very exciting start as we received good news from the Council that our new building application has been approved. This means that more facilities will be built for our Campus in the near future such as new science lab, art room, canteen & cafeteria; as well as additional classrooms. Our new Reception Office will also be in the new building as it will be located in close proximity to the car park and surrounded by the tennis court, oval and our existing Secondary building. It is an exciting time and we are really looking forward to the construction beginning.

Parents Follow Up

It is a known fact that students’ academic performance is highly correlated with school and home interaction and communication. Therefore, I would encourage our parents to monitor and make sure that students are keeping up with their homework and projects. Please ensure that your children plan and organize well for assessment tasks. In regards to any concerns please get in contact with the relevant teacher or coordinator. In addition, we recommend that you keep up to date with what’s happening at school by reading our newsletters and our social media accounts.

DEAR Program

This year there is a slight change in school operating hours. Students start 10 minutes earlier and finish five minutes later due to DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) program. The aim of the program is to promote reading and assist students in cultivating good reading habits. Many studies have found that reading is one of the key steps in enhancing literacy, which then impacts directly to improved academic performance.

After School pick up and Traffic

Once again, a reminder for all. As a school we try our best to minimize the traffic problem at our school car park before and after school; it is impossible to achieve this without your cooperation. For the sake of harmony within the school community, I would like to appeal to all parents/guardians to please observe the car park etiquette and rules when dropping off /picking up your children. Firstly, two minutes drop-off/pick-up bays are strictly for that purpose only and parents are advised to proceed to other parking spots if their visits are more than two minutes. Secondly, the speed limit at school car parks is 10km/h. We expect this Speed Limit to be observed and in addition; following instructions given by staff on duty is expected at all times. Please bear in mind that STUDENTS’ SAFETY is MOST IMPORTANT. We truly seek your understanding and patience in order to ensure that the school car park remains a safe and pleasant environment that functions smoothly and effectively.

Last but not least, our water well project in Cambodia has been successfully completed and the authorities have built the well under the name of Sirius College Ibrahim Dellal Campus. You can find the photos and details in the following pages. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for their hard work towards this campaign.

I wish all of our students, teachers and administration a very successful year.

Warm Regards

Mr Hasan Dagli
IDC Principal